
جاپان میں ملازمتوں کی اقسام اور مطلوبہ شرائط

ابھرتے ہوئے  سورج کی سر زمین  جاپان اپنی ثقافت، ٹیکنالوجی اور ہنر مند  افراد کی بدولت دنیا بھر میں مشہور ہے۔ جب ہم  جاپان کا نام لیتے ہیں تو  جاپانی قوم  کی  وقت کی پابندی اور انکا اپنے کام میں منظم  ہونا  ہمیشہ ضرب المثل  کے طور پر استعمال ہوتا ہے۔   گذرتے ہوئے وقت کے ساتھ جہاں جاپان نے ترقی کے معراج کو  چھوا وہیں مختلف عوامل کے باعث 2008 کے بعد  جاپان میں بچوں کی  پیدائش کی شرح میں واضح کمی آئی ہے۔ ۔ جاپان کی قومی ادارہ برائے آبادی اور سماجی تحفظ کی تحقیق کے مطابق، 2023 میں جاری کیے گئے ڈیٹا کے مطابق، 2005 میں پیدا ہونے والی جاپانی خواتین میں سے 40 فیصد تک کا  بے اولاد رہنے کا امکان ہے۔ اس مشکل صورتحال کے باعث جاپانی انڈسٹری کو  ہنرمند افراد کی کمی کا سامنا ہے۔ اس مشکل صورتحال کے باعث جاپان نے غیر ملکی ہنر مند افراد  کو مختلف شعبوں میں بھرتی کرنے پر توجہ مرکوز کی ہے اور انکے لیے جاپان میں ملازمتوں کی اقسام اور مطلوبہ شرائط پر نئے ویزہ پروگرام کا آغاز کیا ہے۔  آئیے، ہم آپکو تفصیل بتاتے ہیں۔

:مخصوص ہنر مند کارکن پروگرام (SSW)

2019 میں، جاپانی حکومت نے ایک نیا  پروگرام شروع کیا جسے مخصوص ہنر مند کارکن پروگرام (Specified Skilled Worker Program) کہا جاتا ہے۔ اس پروگرام کا پہلا مرحلہ پانچ سال کا تھا اور اس میں دنیا بھر سے کل   345,000 غیر ملکی ہنر مند افراد کو جاپان میں نوکری دی گئی۔   اب جاپان اگلے پانچ سالہ منصوبے میں ہنر مند کارکنوں کی تعداد کو بڑھا کر 800,000 سے زیادہ کرنے کا ارادہ رکھتا ہے تاکہ انڈسٹری میں  ہنر مند افراد کی کمی کو پورا کیا جا سکے۔

SSW پروگرام کے تحت  آپ کس کس شعبے میں   ملازمت کر سکتے ہیں؟

SSW پروگرام کےمیں ابتدائی طور پر کل  12 صنعتیں شامل تھیں:  جن کے نام درج ذیل ہیں۔

  1. نرسنگ کیئر
  2. عمارت کی صفائی کا انتظام
  3. صنعتی مشینری
  4. الیکٹرانکس
  5. تعمیرات
  6. جہاز سازی اور مشینری
  7. گاڑیوں کی مرمت اور دیکھ بھال
  8. ہوا بازی
  9. ہوٹلنگ اور مہمان نوازی کی صنعت
  10. زراعت
  11. ماہی گیری اور آبی زراعت
  12. خوراک اور مشروبات، اور فوڈ سروس

 لیکن اب مالی سال 2024 سے جاپانی حکومت نے اس میں مزید چار مزید صنعتیں شامل کی ہیں

1۔ روڈ ٹرانسپورٹ

2- ریلوے



جاپان میں ملازمتوں کی اقسام اور مطلوبہ شرائط

SSW پروگرام کی اقسام:

یہ پروگرام دو اہم اقسام پر مشتمل ہے:

مخصوص ہنر مند کارکن (i):

    • یہ ویزا ان ہنر مند افراد  کے لیے ہے جن کے پاس بنیادی مہارتیں موجود  ہوں۔
    • امیدوار کی عمر 18 سال سے زیادہ ہونی چاہیے اور اسے متعلقہ ہنر اور جاپانی زبان کی قابلیت کے  ٹیسٹ پاس کرنے ہوں گے.  جن افراد  نے  پہلی ہی جاپان میں  ٹیکنیکل انٹرن ٹریننگ مکمل کر لی ہے ، انکو اس سے استثنی ہے۔
    • اس ویزے کی معیاد 5 سال ہے۔
    •  اس ویزا کے تحت آپ اپنے خاندان کے افراد  کو اپنے ساتھ جاپان نہیں  نہیں لا سکتے۔

مخصوص ہنر مند کارکن (ii):

    • یہ ویزا ان لوگوں کے لیے ہے جن کے پاس  علمی اور ہنر سے متعلقہ مہارت  کا معیار زیادہ ہے۔
    •  اس میں بھی آپکو  ہنر اور جاپانی زبان کی قابلیت کے  ٹیسٹ پاس کرنے ہوں گے ۔
    • یہ ویزا 3 سال کے لیے دیا جا سکتا ہے۔
    • کل قیام کی مدت پر کوئی پابندی نہیں ہے۔
    • اس ویزا کے تحت خاندان کے افراد آپکے  ساتھ آسکتے ہیں۔

پاکستان کے لیے اہم مواقع:

جاپانی منڈیوں میں پاکستانیوں کے لیے بڑھتے ہوئے مواقعوں کا اندازہ اس بات سے لگایا جا سکتا ہے کہ جاپان میں ملازمت اور کاروبار کے لیے پہنچنے والے پاکستانیوں کی تعداد دسمبر 2023 تک اپنی بلند ترین سطح پر پہنچ چکی ہے، پچھلے 10 مہینوں میں 5000 سے زائد پاکستانیوں نے  نئی رجسٹریشنز ہوئی ہیں۔ جاپان میں پاکستانی کمیونٹی انڈونیشیا اور بنگلہ دیشی کمیونٹیز کے بعد تیسرا سب سے بڑا مسلم اکثریتی گروپ ہے۔ دسمبر 2023 تک، جاپان میں 25,334 رجسٹرڈ پاکستانی مقیم تھے۔ حال ہی میں ایک جاپانی کمپنی، بارڈر لنک، نے ٹوکیو میں  پاکستانی سفارت خانے کے تعاون سے پاکستان سے 32 اسسٹنٹ لینگویج ٹیچرز کی خدمات حاصل کی ہیں۔

جاپان میں ملازمتوں کی اقسام اور مطلوبہ شرائط
جاپان میں ملازمتوں کی اقسام اور مطلوبہ شرائط

اکتوبر 2023 تک، جاپان میں موجود غیر ملکی  ہنر افراد کی تعداد تقریباً 20 لاکھ ہو چکی ہے اور جاپان میں لیبر  کی بڑھتی ہوئی  ڈیمانڈ کے باعث یہ تعداد مستقبل میں مزید بڑھنے کی توقع ہے ۔یہان  یہ بات قابل ذکر ہے کہ سپیسیفائیڈ سکلڈ ورکرکیٹیگری میں جاپان صرف ٹرانسپوٹ کے شعبے میں  25,000 ڈرائیورز (ٹیکسی، بس اور ٹرک) کی خدمات حاصل کرنے کا منصوبہ بنا رہا ہے۔

ان دونوں پروگرامز کے تحت ملازمت کے  لیے آپ کو  متعلقہ مہارت اور جاپانی زبان  کا متعلقہ ٹیسٹ پاس کرنا ہوگا۔ اسکے بعد جاپانی کمپنی سے جاب آفر اور اہل ہونے کے سرٹیفیکیٹ کی ضرورت ہوگی ، جس میں اقبال مین پاور آپ کی مکمل رہنمائی کرے گی۔ یاد رہے کہ  اقبال مین پاور کنسلٹنٹس اب پاکستان میں جاپان میں بھرتی  کےلیے  حکومت پاکستان اور جاپان سے منظور شدہ ایجنسی بن چکے ہیں۔ مزید معلومات کے لیے، آپ ذیل میں دی گئی ویڈیو میں ہمارے سی ای او، جناب ندیم اقبال کو سن سکتے ہیں جوجاپان میں ملازمت کی اقسام اور مطلوبہ اشیاکے بارے میں بتا رہے ہیں۔


Specified Skilled Worker Program Japan

Japan is known for its cultural, and technological advancement and highly skilled workforce. It is also known to have achieved a reputation for efficient and disciplined work environment. For decades, Japan has trained its population to be excellent skilled workers. However, the decrease in the birth rate since 2008, has caused a shortage of young labor in the country. According to data released in 2023 by Japan’s National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, over 40% of Japanese women born in 2005 could potentially remain childless. With such a dilemma, Japan has shifted its focus on recruiting an international workforce to appoint in various fields.

Consequently, in 2019, Japan has created a new “Status of Residence” through a program known as Specified Skilled Worker Program where it aimed to facilitate foreign workforce in different fields. The first phase of this program was consist of five years and was capped at 345,000 workers and resources. The program further strives to increase the number of skilled workers in the following 5 year-plan. As per resources, Japan plans to more than double the number of skilled worker visas for foreigners to over 800,000 within five years starting fiscal 2024, aiming to address labor shortages.

Types of Industries Cover Under the SSW Program

The SSW program initially covered 12 industries: Nursing care, Building cleaning management, Industrial machinery, Electronics and information industries, Construction, Shipbuilding and machinery, Automobile repair and maintenance, Aviation, Accommodation, Agriculture, Fishery and aquaculture, Food and beverages, and Foodservice. However, starting from fiscal year 2024, four additional industries—Road transportation, Railways, Forestry, and Timber are also included to facilitate more sectors.

The Types of SSW Program

The SSW Program has two main categories defined by the nature of work, skills, and language expertise of individuals. The visa is based on these factors and is categorized as.

  1. Specified Skilled Workers (i)
  2. Specified Skilled Workers (ii)

Specified Skilled Worker Program Japan

Let us delve into the details of these categories.

The Specified Skilled Worker (i) visa is intended for workers with basic skills. To qualify, applicants must be over 18 years old and pass both a skills test and a Japanese language test, unless they have completed Technical Intern Training. The visa can be granted for up to 5 years in total. However, family members cannot accompany the visa holder under this category.

The Specified Skilled Worker (ii) visa is for those with more advanced skills, typically requiring completion of Specified Skilled Worker (i) and passing advanced skill tests. It can be granted for 3 years, with no limit on total stay duration. Unlike the (i) visa, this category allows family members to accompany the visa holder.

Important Prospect for Pakistan

The growing opportunities in Japanese markets for Pakistanis are projected by the number of Pakistanis arriving in Japan for employment, and business has reached an all-time high as of December 2023, with over 5,000 new registrations in the past 10 months. The Pakistani community in Japan is the third-largest Muslim-majority immigrant group, following the Indonesian and Bangladeshi communities. As of December 2023, there are 25,334 registered Pakistanis living in Japan. Recently a Japanese company, BorderLink, has hired 32 Assistant Language Teachers from Pakistan in collaboration with the Embassy of Pakistan in Tokyo. This reflects the increasing demand for Pakistani workers in various sectors and highlights the job opportunities for Pakistanis in Japan.

Specified Skilled Worker Program Japan 


As of October 2023, Japan had around 2 million foreign workers, according to the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare. This figure is anticipated to grow further as the country faces increasing labor shortages. It is pertinent to mention that the addition of transportation in the SSW category suggests that Japan is planning to hire 25,000 drivers for taxis, buses, and trucks as part of this expansion. So opportunities never knock twice at the door. Both types of SSW programs will require a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) and a job offer from a Japanese company (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) for which Iqbal Manpower will be assisting you to get. It is pertinent to mention that Iqbal Manpower Consultants is now also an authorized recruiting agency for Japan in Pakistan. For more information, you can listen to the CEO of Iqbal Manpower, Mr. Nadeem Iqbal explaining the job types and requirements.


The Benefits of Using a Recruitment Agency for Your Hiring Needs

How do I find the finest candidate?” Strange question, no? Well not to us! We are well familiar with it. Why, you ask? The answer is we are the ones who get you those candidates. Combining our knowledge, expertise, and experience in the matter, we help you to smoothly hire your dream candidate. Why working with a recruiting agency is beneficial for a hiring manager of a company,well the Benefits of Using a Recruitment Agency for Your Hiring Needs let us explained in the following. 

Faster Hiring 

You know very well that as soon as the “vacancy available” is posted, a company’s mail is flooded with resumes. On average, a hiring manager will have to spend 6-8 seconds reviewing a single CV. Now imagine doing that for hundreds of them, sifting through them can be time-consuming, and time is very valuable for every company. This is where Iqbal Manpower steps in, saving your and your company’s time and energy, which can be utilized for other productive activities. 

At times, conducting background checks on the candidates can slow down the process of hiring, therefore, we conduct preliminary interviews to see if the candidate is fulfilling the criteria or not. After a survey, it was found that 52% of recruiters believe that as a part of the recruiting process, screening the candidates is often the challenging part. This is mostly due to the large pool of applicants. Fret not, we put the efforts to efficiently sort out the most suitable candidates for the company.  The shorter the list, the quicker the company can pick its candidate. 

Quality of Candidates 

While recruitment agency, speeds up your recruitment process, we also provide you with the best of candidates. We take the responsibility of generating the pool of candidates that are the most eligible for the position. All you have to do is pick the one you like, rest let us do the work. 

Over the years, the dynamics of the recruiting world have been such that there is a great gap between, the jobs available and the candidates.  In such a case, where the job opportunities are low and more candidates, a load of non-qualified candidates also apply, this creates a huge burden on the company. However, with our recruiting expertise, we meticulously filter applicants through interviews, screening and analyzing their capabilities according to your hiring needs.

ISO-Certified Company 

Now, we understand why investing in a recruitment agency might seem like a risk, especially when hiring from foreign countries. To put you at ease, Iqbal Manpower is an ISO-certified recruiting agency.  As we greatly deal with foreign companies looking for talent, we have accreditation from local and international governing bodies. This allows us to operate freely and with full transparency within international borders.

We take great consideration of completing all documentation, to avoid any hassle. A smooth transition and positioning of the talent at the company is our aim. 

Instant Deployment

One of the benefits of acquiring accreditation from governing bodies is that we get to swiftly deploy the talents to their companies both locally and internationally. Once the candidate is hired, all the legal necessities are completed by the recruiting agency. 

This benefits the companies as well as they continue to operate without any delay or hindrance. The vacancy is smoothly filled with the most eligible candidate and the operation flow doesn’t break.  

It’s what we do! 

To be honest, we excel at recruiting talents because it’s what we do. Our expertise in dealing with a larger pool of applicants allows us to present you with the top candidates. As part of our recruiting process, we stay updated about the latest hiring trends, qualifications, and standards of the various companies. 

Our extensive knowledge of the market lets us reach out to the finest talents. We understand the expectations of both parties, guiding them better about the wage rates and skill sets according to the nature of the job. Our vast experience benefits the company in finding alternate talents, in case any specific skill set is hard to find among the group of applicants. 

In a nutshell

To put it in a nutshell, hiring a recruiting agency will not only save time, and energy but also bring out the best of the candidates as a productive outcome. Their experience and expertise pave a smooth way in hiring talents which can prove to be resourceful for the company. So, if you need a recruiting agency, what are you waiting for reach out to us now!


How to Choose the Right Recruiting Agency

Looking for a perfect candidate can be as daunting as a job hunt. Sometimes what may appear to be a golden candidate on the resume is a waste of time during the interview. 

Sounds terrifying? Spending all those hours and mounds of energy on nothing! Well, this is why recruiting agencies were created. We are here to get our hands dirty for you! However, one question remains “How do you choose the right recruiting agency?” Do not worry we have the answer to that as well… psst! Keep scrolling!

Track Record

You know how you order a product online and check the review before confirming it… The same goes for recruitment agencies. No matter how fancy the website looks or the big words that are mentioned, here is a pro tip; always check the agency’s record of accomplishment and client testimonials.

A positive review instills confidence in the hiring manager that their choice of recruiting agency is right. A reputable agency should have a history of successful placements and satisfied clients. We are proud to share that Iqbal Manpower is an ISO Certified company approved by the Government of Pakistan. Iqbal Manpower is also an approved sending organization for Japan and sending manpower to Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Oman, and Bahrain and our partners have boosted our morale with their positive and affirming reviews. Iqbal Manpower’s client list includes the names of renowned industrial groups such as Siemens, Saudi Electric Company, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of Saudi ArabiaIsam Khairi Kabbani Group – IKK Group, AlfanarNadec, etc.

 Industry Expertise

With new agencies emerging every day, it can be overwhelming to pick the right one. The best strategy is to look for agencies that specialize in your industry or have experience in recruiting for similar roles. This ensures they understand the specific skills and requirements needed for your positions.

Iqbal Manpower Consultants, collaborating with over 500 global companies, have vast experience in finding talents in multiple industries. Our expertise, ranges from the health sector to construction, including manufacturing, IT, and communication as well. 

Recruitment Methods 

Why should we be concerned about the recruiting methods of the agency? You really should be, after all it is the methods and approach that makes a difference. Agencies, having a wider network and intense screening process often produce custom-made talents for your hiring needs. Understand the agency’s approach to sourcing candidates. Do they use a variety of methods such as direct sourcing, networking, or job boards? Their methods must align with your preferences and needs because, in the end, the talent provided will affect your company’s growth

Candidate Quality

Picking up candidates from the resume is not enough. Candidates often seem perfect on paper, however, through screening at times they are not up to the standard. Let us give you another free tip, look for agencies, that filter through candidates using numerous methods and not just relying on CVs. This guarantees the top-notch talents coming forward. At, Iqbal Manpower Consultants, we screen and interview the candidates along with extensive background checks to provide unmatched quality candidates.

Cost and Terms

Here is a scenario for you, you hire a recruitment agency, and they provide you with an average candidate and a bill of hefty amount with hidden charges added. Now this is something you want to avoid. Hence, when it comes to closing the deal, ensure to clarify the agency’s fee structure and terms of service upfront. Understand any costs involved and how they charge for their services (e.g., contingency fees, retained search).

We, Iqbal Manpower Consultants, our terms and conditions and fee structure are discussed before sealing the deal. 

Communication and Transparency

The most important aspect of any business is strong and clear communication.  Maintaining transparency throughout the process boosts the client’s confidence in the agency. Therefore, choose an agency that maintains clear communication throughout the hiring process. They should update you regularly on progress and be transparent about candidate feedback. Moreover, a complete background check should be shared with the company to avoid any future hassles. 

Accessibility and Responsiveness

Let us be honest we all love to be responded to in an instant. Therefore, ensure the agency is accessible when you need it and responsive to your queries. A responsive agency can expedite the hiring process and address any concerns promptly. Since they are responsible for setting up candidates for the company, their availability post-hiring is equally important as it is during the process. Iqbal Manpower Consultants excels on this note. We keep in touch and take in regular feedback from the companies and the candidates. We are there during the settling period as well, to ensure our clients are well-adjusted to the new hiring.

So What Have You Decided?

It is time to make a sound choice and look for a recruiting agency that has the above qualities. You have one right in front of you. As we check all the boxes, we can confidently say, you will not regret working with us. Iqbal Manpower Consultants is built upon the foundation of complete transparency and strong communication with the clients. We understand your needs and strive to find the best for you. Our value-added services and modern hiring methods are instrumental to your company’s growth. We look forward to working with you.


How to negotiate your salary?

Ten Useful Tips and Tricks

We all remember our first-ever job interview. The mix of nervousness and excitement topping our emotions! Ensuring we’re well prepared with crisp suits and newly printed resumes. Anyway, one thing we all flustered at was; “what is your expected salary?” 

See, when the topic of compensation comes up, we hesitate. The salary offered initially sounds reasonable, but once we step out of the interview room we do wonder: Could we have asked for more? Did we underestimate our own value?

 We must understand the importance of negotiating the salary effectively. Here are some key strategies and insights we’ve picked up along the way: 

Conduct Thorough Research

Research is always the key before any interview. Thoroughly research the typical salary range for similar positions in your industry and location.  A huge assistance are websites like Glassdoor Salary Calculator, PayScale, and LinkedIn which can provide valuable insights. This research will give you a solid foundation to start your negotiation. 

Know Your Value

Understand your worth. The moment you step in that interview room, consider your education, skills, relevant experience, and any certifications or specialized training you have. Do not hold back in clearly explaining how these qualifications make you a valuable asset to the company. 

 Timing Is Crucial

“The best time to negotiate your salary is after you’ve received a job offer.”

 This shows that the employer is interested in you and sees you as a potential future employee. Avoid bringing up salary too early in the interview process, as it may give the impression that money is your primary motivation. Well, let’s be honest, even if it’s a big temptation, we need not to show them.

 Refine Your Pitch

Develop a confident and polite script for negotiating your salary. Practice it until you feel comfortable and natural. Don’t come on too strong it might come off as being arrogant. Neither, do you want to be extremely polite, that the hiring manager undermine you. Maintain a neutral attitude and tone, and include specific reasons why you believe you deserve a higher salary, such as unique skills, relevant experience, or advanced qualifications. 

 Be Flexible

Negotiation should be a two-way conversation. Consider other benefits besides salary such as flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities, or additional vacation time that can contribute to your overall compensation package. It’s okay, to earn a few thousand less, if it doesn’t cost you your mental peace.

 Maintain Professionalism

Throughout the negotiation process, maintain a professional demeanor. Be polite and respectful, even if the discussion becomes challenging. Remember, the goal is to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. After all, you don’t want to set off on the wrong foot with your potential employer. 

 Don’t Settle Too Quickly

If the initial offer doesn’t meet your expectations, don’t be afraid to negotiate. You will be surprised, that a healthy discussion regarding your salary with the hiring manager can do wonders. Express gratitude for the offer and explain why you were hoping for a higher salary. Many employers expect candidates to negotiate, so don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself.

 Practice Patience

Negotiations can take time, so be patient and avoid rushing the process. A thoughtful counteroffer demonstrates that you value yourself and the position. Your patience translates that you can handle unforeseen challenges, calmly and professionally.

 Consider the Big Picture

When negotiating, think about your long-term career goals. A higher starting salary can impact your future earnings and career trajectory. However, also consider factors like job satisfaction, growth opportunities, and company culture.

 Get It in Writing

Once you’ve reached an agreement, ask for the offer in writing. This helps ensure clarity and prevents misunderstandings down the road. Review the details carefully before signing anything. Ensure, all terms and pay grades that are finalized in the final interview are mentioned in the legal document as well.

Let’s close it! 

Now that you know all the tips and tricks to get on the higher pay scale, consider yourself fully armed for your next job interview. By mastering the art of negotiation, you set the stage for a successful career journey. Your future self will thank you for it. Good Luck! 


پاکستانیوں کے لیے جاپان میں ملازمت کے مواقع

پاکستانیوں کے لیے جاپان میں ملازمت کے مواقع

ابھرتے سورج کی سر زمین جاپان  نے جنگ عظیم دوم کی تباہ کن بربادی  کے باوجود  اپنی بے مثال  ٹیکنولوجیکل مہارت ، ثقافتی ورثے، اور منظم قومی اتحاد کے باعث اقوام عالم میں جو اپنا مقام بنایا ہے وہ اپنی مثال آپ ہے۔ تاہم، کیا آپ لوگ جانتے ہیں کہ جاپان اپنی بڑھتی ہوئی عمر رسیدہ آبادی کے باعث محنت کشوں کی کمی کا سامنا کر رہا ہے؟   ہنر مند افراد کی ضروریات کو پورا کرنے کے لیے، جاپان نے اقوام عالم سے ہنر مند افراد  کو  جاپان میں ملازمت کرنے کے لئےآمادہ کرنے کے لئے ایک نئی پالیسی بنائی گئی جو یکم اپریل 2019 کو نافذ ہوئی۔

 اس پالیسی کا ابتدائی مقصد پہلے مرحلے میں 340,000 ہنر مند افراد کو جاپان میں مختلف ملازمتوں کے لئے متوجہ کرنا تھا۔ جاپان میں پاکستان کے سفیر، مسٹر کنینوری ماتسودا نےایک کانفرنس میں خطاب کرتے ہوئے بتایا  کہ جاپانی حکومت نے 2025 تک دنیا بھر سے 500,000  ہنر مند افراد کو  جاپان میں ملازمت دینے کا ہدف مقرر کیا ہے اور 2030 تک اس تعداد کو مزید بڑھانے کا منصوبہ بنایا ہے۔ اس  صورت حال میں  جہاں   حکومت جاپان کی محنت کشوں کی کمی کو پورا کرنے کی عزم کی عکاسی ہوتی ہے  وہیں غیر ملکی  افراد ، بشمول پاکستانیوں کے لیے بھی روزگار کے مواقع  کھل گئے ہیں۔

پاک جاپان  حکومتوں  کے مابین مفاہمت کی یادداشت

2019  جاپان-پاکستان تعاون کی تاریخ میں ایک اہم  سنگ میل کی حیثیت رکھتا ہے جب دونوں ممالک نے پاکستانی ہنر مند  افراد  کی جاپان میں ملازمت کے لیے مفاہمت کی یادداشت پر دستخط کیے۔ یہ معاہدہ “مخصوص ہنر مند  افراد” پروگرام کے گرد مرکوز ہے، جس کا مقصد ہنر مند افراد  کو جاپان میں ملازمت کے مواقع فراہم کرنا ہے۔ اس معاہدہ کے تحت، پاکستانی افراد  جاپان میں ملازمت حاصل کر سکتے ہیں بشرطیکہ وہ مطلوبہ اہلیت کے امتحانات پاس کریں  تاہم، کووڈ-19 وبا کے باعث یہ عمل ملتوی ہو گیا۔حالات کے معمول  میں آنے کے  بعد  جاپان میں  ہنر مند افراد کی ضرورت میں اضافہ ہوا اور اب سرکاری ادارے کے ساتھ ساتھ نجی پروموٹرز کو بھی پاکستانی  افراد کو جاپان بھیجنے کی اجازت دی گئی ہے اور اقبال مین پاور کنسلٹنٹس اب پاکستان میں  جاپان کے لیے ایک منظور شدہ ریکروٹمنٹ ایجنسی بن  گئی ہے۔

جاپان میں ملازمت کے لیے مخصوص شعبے

جاپان کے غیر ملکی افراد کے لئے  متعارف کروائے گئے اس پروگرام میں مندرجہ ذیل بارہ (12)  شعبے شامل ہیں.

  1. نرسنگ کیئر
  2. عمارت کی صفائی کا انتظام
  3. الیکٹرک، الیکٹرانکس، اور انفارمیشن انڈسٹریز
  4. تعمیراتی صنعت
  5. جہاز سازی/جہاز مشینری صنعت
  6. آٹو موبائل کی دیکھ بھال
  7. ہوابازی کی صنعت
  8. رہائش کی صنعت
  9. زراعت
  10. ماہی گیری اور آبی زراعت
  11. کھانے اور مشروبات کی صنعت
  12. فوڈ سروسز کی صنعت

پاک جاپان تعلقات اور جاپان میں موجود  پاکستانی کمیونٹی

28 اپریل 1952 کو سفارتی تعلقات کے قیام کے بعد سے، پاکستان اور جاپان کے درمیان  برادرانہ تعلقات مسلسل مضبوط  ہو رہے ہیں۔ پاکستان سان فرانسسکو امن کانفرنس کے فوراً بعد جاپان میں تجارتی دفتر کھولنے والے پہلے ممالک میں شامل تھا، اور اسی دوران  جاپان نے کراچی میں اپنا ابتدائی تجارتی دفتر کھولا۔ جاپان میں  موجود پاکستانی کمیونٹی ، انڈونیشیا اور بنگلہ دیشی کمیونٹی کے بعد ، تیسری سب سے بڑی مسلمان اکثریتی  گروپ ہے۔ دسمبر 2023 تک کے اعداد و شمار کے مطابق، جاپان میں 25,334 رجسٹرڈ پاکستانی مقیم ہیں۔

ایک تقریب میں خطاب کرتے ہوئے جاپان کے سفیر کنینوری ماتسودا نے جاپان میں پاکستانی ہنر مند افراد  کی تعریف کرتے ہوئے ان کی لگن، ایمانداری اور مہارت کو سراہا کہ یہ افراد  جاپان کی ترقی میں نمایاں کردار ادا کر رہے ہیں۔

جاپانی مارکیٹوں میں پاکستانیوں کے لیے بڑھتے ہوئے مواقع کا اندازہ دسمبر 2023 تک جاپان میں ملازمت اور کاروبار کے لیے آنے والے پاکستانیوں کی تعداد سے لگایا جا سکتا ہے، گزشتہ 10 ماہ میں 5,000 سے زائد پاکستانی  افراد نے جاپان کا رخ کیا۔   اس حوالے سے جاپان میں پاکستان کے سفارت خانے کا کردار بہت قابل تعریف ہے۔ حال ہی میں ایک جاپانی کمپنی، بارڈر لنک نے ٹوکیو میں پاکستانی سفارت خانے کے تعاون سے پاکستان سے 32 استاذہ  کو بھرتی کیا ہے۔ یہ مختلف شعبوں میں پاکستانیوں کی بڑھتی ہوئی طلب اور جاپان میں پاکستانیوں کے لیے ملازمت کے مواقع کو ظاہر کرتا ہے۔


جاپان کی جامع پالیسیوں اور ہنر مند افراد  کی بڑھتی ہوئی طلب کے  باعث پاکستانی ہنر مند افراد  کے پاس جاپان کی متحرک معیشت میں اپنا کردار ادا کرنے اور اس سے فائدہ اٹھانے کا شاندار موقع ہے۔ اس  معاہدہ سے نہ صرف دو طرفہ تعلقات مضبوط ہوں گے  بلکہ ہنر مند پاکستانیوں کے لیے خلیجی ریاستوں کے بعد ایک  نئی  منظم اور  پرکشش مارکیٹ  میں اپنے لئے نت نئے مواقعوں کو تلاش کرنے کا ایک نیا دروازہ بھی کھلا ہے۔ جاپان میں ملازمت کے حوالے سے رہنمائی اور معلومات کے لئے  آپ ہم سے رابطہ کرسکتے ہیں۔




Japan has long been recognized for its technological advancements, rich culture, and disciplined workforce. But very few know that Japan is facing a significant labor shortage due to its aging population In response to its labor needs, Japan had turned to the international community for skilled labor and created a new “Status of Residence” for specific skilled workers, which became effective on April 1, 2019. This policy initially aimed to attract 340,000 skilled workers in the first phase. The Japanese Ambassador to Pakistan, Mr. Kuninori Matsuda said that the Japanese government has set an ambitious target to attract up to 500,000 blue-collar workers from around the world by 2025 with further plans to increase this number by 2030. This initiative underscores Japan’s commitment to addressing its labor shortage while providing substantial employment opportunities for foreign workers, including Pakistanis. There are many job opportunities for Pakistanis in Japan.

Memorandum of Cooperation: A Gateway For Pakistani to Employment In Japan

2019 marked a milestone in the history of Japan- Pakistan collaboration when both countries signed a memorandum of cooperation, aimed at facilitating the employment of Pakistani skilled workers in Japan. This agreement centers around the “Specified Skilled Workers” program, designed to provide skilled workers with employment opportunities in Japan. Under this framework, Pakistani workers can secure jobs in Japan after passing the required examinations, marking a significant milestone in bilateral relations and international labor cooperation. However, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the process was delayed. Later on, the requirement for skilled labor surged and now the government institutions as well as private overseas promoters are also authorized to send Pakistani workers to Japan and Iqbal Manpower Consultants is now also an authorized recruiting agency for Japan in Pakistan.  

Specified Fields for Employment

Japan’s specified skilled workers program covers 12 fields:

  1. Nursing care
  2. Building cleaning management
  3. Electric, electronics, and information industries
  4. Construction industry
  5. Shipbuilding/ship machinery industry
  6. Automobile maintenance
  7. Aviation industry
  8. Accommodation industry
  9. Agriculture
  10. Fishery & Aquaculture
  11. Manufacture of food and beverages
  12. Foodservice industry

Pakistani Community in Japan

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations on April 28, 1952, the ties between Pakistan and Japan have steadily grown stronger. Pakistan was among the first countries to open a commercial office in Japan, soon after the San Francisco Peace Conference, and Japan reciprocated by opening an early trade office in Karachi. The Pakistani community in Japan is the third-largest Muslim-majority immigrant group, following the Indonesian and Bangladeshi communities. As of December 2023, there are 25,334 registered Pakistanis living in Japan.

“In his address to a ceremony, Japanese Ambassador Kuninori Matsuda praised the Pakistani workforce in Japan, highlighting their dedication, honesty, and skills, which contribute significantly to Japan’s development. “

The growing opportunities in Japanese markets for Pakistanis are projected by the number of Pakistanis arriving in Japan for employment, and business has reached an all-time high as of December 2023, with over 5,000 new registrations in the past 10 months. In this regard, the role of the Pakistan Embassy in Japan is very appreciable. Recently a Japanese company, BorderLink, has hired 32 Assistant Language Teachers from Pakistan in collaboration with the Embassy of Pakistan in Tokyo. This reflects the increasing demand for Pakistani workers in various sectors and highlights the job opportunities for Pakistanis in Japan.


The cooperation between Japan and Pakistan under the “Specified Skilled Workers” program marks a significant step forward in international labor relations. With Japan’s inclusive policies and the growing demand for skilled labor, Pakistani workers have a tremendous opportunity to contribute to and benefit from Japan’s dynamic economy. This initiative not only strengthens bilateral ties but also opens a promising future for skilled Pakistanis seeking to explore new horizons.


Establishment of SIFC and Role of POEPA

Initiative of SIFC and the Role of POEPA

Pakistan’s economic condition has reached a critical juncture where reconciliation and strategic initiatives are paramount for achieving stability. It has been characterized by slow growth, rising inflation, and increasing debt. As of 2024, the country continues to grapple with a significant debt crisis and severe fiscal deficits. The Pakistani rupee has faced substantial devaluation, reaching alarming levels against the US dollar before stabilizing slightly due to stringent measures and international support. This precarious economic environment underscores the urgent need for political reconciliation and robust economic policies to steer Pakistan toward stability. So, there is the establishment of SIFC and POEPA roles.

Establishment of SIFC

In response to the economic turmoil, the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) was established on June 20, 2023, by Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif along with Chief of the Army Staff, General Asim Munir.  The primary objective of SIFC was to attract direct foreign investment into Pakistan, thereby fostering economic growth and development. SIFC focuses on creating a conducive environment for investors by streamlining regulations, reducing bureaucratic hurdles, and providing incentives for foreign businesses to invest in Pakistan. This initiative is seen as a cornerstone in Pakistan’s strategy to stabilize its economy and enhance its development prospects. SIFC initially focused on key sectors including Agriculture & Livestock, IT & Telecom, Mines & Minerals, Energy (Petroleum & Power), and Industry, Tourism & Privatization to drive Pakistan’s economic growth and development.

The Vital Role of POEPA

(Pakistan Overseas Employment Promoters Association)

While SIFC focuses on attracting direct foreign investment, the role of POEPA cannot be overstated.

“POEPA has long advocated for sending skilled manpower abroad as a short-term solution to bring immediate foreign investment through remittances.”

This approach requires minimal initial investment in development but hinges on the crucial need for proper training of the workforce. According to the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development, approximately 9 million overseas Pakistanis are contributing significantly to the national economy through remittances.

Pakistan’s Economic Condition and the Need for Reconciliation

To propel Pakistan’s economic development, there is a pressing need for centralized schemes and cohesive policies. Effective implementation of these policies can drive sustainable growth and ensure economic stability. Pakistan must prioritize economic stability over internal differences. The future of the nation hinges on collective efforts to strengthen the economy. As I believe that

“If Pakistan thrives, we all thrive; if it falters, we all face the consequences.”

By uniting in our efforts and focusing on economic initiatives, we can ensure a prosperous future for Pakistan.


The establishment of SIFC and the strategic role of POEPA is the multifaceted approach needed to stabilize and grow Pakistan’s economy. By fostering direct foreign investment and leveraging the potential of Manpower exports to GCC and other parts of the world, Pakistan can navigate through its economic challenges toward a brighter future. It is a call for unity, collaboration, and unwavering focus on economic development to ensure that Pakistan not only survives but thrives in the global arena.



Pakistani Labor: A Strategic Advantage for Gulf Employers

In the unique dynamic of the global work market, the ties between Pakistan and the GCC nations have proven to be significantly important, especially in the domain of business and recruitment. Pakistani workers comprise an imperative labor force across different areas in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, contributing essentially to their financial circumstances and development. This article investigates the Pakistani labor force’s strategic advantage to the employers and human resources in the Gulf nations, particularly focusing on the shared advantages and difficulties related to this mutually beneficial relationship.

The Global Market Influence on the GCC Countries

The global market has evolved to new workforce requirements that demand ultimate excellence with no room for generalized, unskilled, or even semi-skilled workers. This means that the global market arena has identified the need for a well-trained, highly-skilled labor force with the expertise that matches their complex work requirements. In this global evolution, the GCC nations are way ahead in the competitive market than the other countries.

The GCC’s visions and initiatives are focused on bringing an evolution in the economic, social, and cultural realms while holding on tight to their norms and values. The goal is to outgrow the dependency on natural, resources and biofuels, shifting focus to other alternatives. Moreover, the focus of the GCC nations is on sustainability and enhancement of the construction sector, development of pharmaceutical companies, and provision of expert medical facilities.

Pakistani Perspective and Relationship with GCC

Despite being in proximity to the Gulf, Pakistan faces a situation contrarily which is much more challenging in the realm of market development and economic stability. On the other hand, the youth have a greater prospect of benefiting from the market evolution across the GCC nations and this will not be a first.

Pakistan’s ties with the GCC are decades old; ingrained in shared social, cultural and religious values. Pakistan, with its enormous populace and gifted labor force, has been a vital provider of workforce to the GCC since the 1960s. In the 1970s this relationship further strengthened as the GCC nations looked for labor to fuel the development of infrastructure and economic growth consequently gaining pace from the oil bloom.

These decades have made Pakistan among the primary sources of foreign workforce for the GCC countries, especially in areas like medical care, construction, hospitality, and administrative requirements. This harmonious relationship has been valuable for both; Pakistani labor can find job opportunities, while the GCC nations meet their work requisites to help their aggressive projects for continuing growth and development.

How Can GCC Benefit from The Pakistani Labor Force?

We have established a mutually beneficial equation for both sides, however, the GCC nations have more to ensure when recruiting a workforce from Pakistan. The recruitment process is a complex one; requiring investments in terms of time, resources, and finances. Hence, employers in the Gulf have more at stake when they hire a professional from a foreign workforce.

We make it easy for HR Managers to recruit the Pakistani labor force through an extensive analysis of the strategic benefits that they can enjoy while hiring our professionals.

Skilled Human Resource

One of the major factors behind the strategic advantage that the Pakistani workforce offers to employers in the GCC countries is the diversity found in the skills and expertise that the Pakistani professionals possess. From profoundly talented experts in fields like engineering, design, medication, and information technology to workers in fields like manufacturing and construction, Pakistan gives a wide range of human resources to meet the diverse requirements of industries in the GCC countries.

Furthermore, Pakistani laborers are known for their versatility, steadiness, and solid hardworking attitude, characteristics that are profoundly esteemed by managers in the GCC nations. Whether it is functioning in outrageous weather patterns on construction sites or offering fundamental types of assistance in medical care, Pakistani workers have gained recognition for their devotion and commitment to excellence in performance – something that has been historically witnessed in the Pak-Gulf relationship throughout decades.

Religious and Cultural Similarities

Pakistan is a fellow Muslim nation that shares the same religious values and preferences as the Gulf. In the recent goals that the GCC nations have identified for their market values, the preferences are made keeping the religious, social, and cultural values intact. Hiring a labor force from a country whose values align with those of the GCC countries speaks highly in favor of industries where values and norms are shared on the same foundations. This greatly influences the work environment and motivation levels for the laborer who finds comfort in working where their needs and values resonate well with the culture of the organization. The preference and undivided devotion to mutually shared cultural values play a significant role in the performance of the Pakistani workforce in the GCC region. Given the common religious and cultural norms among Pakistan and numerous GCC nations, Pakistani specialists frequently find it more convenient to adjust to the accepted practices and customs predominant in their host nations. This social commonality encourages a feeling of belonging and promotes easy integration into the nearby communities, diminishing the gamble of social separation or struggle in the work environment.

Furthermore, the presence of a huge community of expatriate Pakistanis in the GCC offers support for laborers who are new in the region, offering direction, help, and a feeling of brotherhood. This sense of living within the same community evaporates the sense of hardships of relocating and empowers Pakistani specialists to zero in on their expert obligations peacefully.

Competitive, Cost-Effectiveness

Finally, Pakistani labor offers another strategic advantage to Gulf employers due to its cost-effectiveness and flexibility. Compared to workers from Western countries, Pakistani labor is more economically viable because of lower wage expectations and fewer cultural or language barriers. Pakistani workers are also willing to accept challenging assignments and work for extended hours, providing Gulf employers with a competitive edge in meeting project deadlines and enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

Conclusively, the relationship between Pakistani labor and GCC employers arises as an essential union well established in shared cultural values and financial objectives. Pakistani specialists, famous for their wide range of abilities and steadfast hardworking attitude, have been instrumental in enabling the development and advancement of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries across different professional fields. Through mutual collaboration and efforts both Pakistan and the GCC nations can continue harnessing and tapping into the potential of the labor force in Pakistan and achieve mutual prosperity and economic development.


The World of Recruitment in 2024

Hiring is a tough job, especially in this technologically evolving, multifaceted demands in a workplace that make it challenging to find skilled individuals with expertise that match just right with the job descriptions.

We think of the Human Resource officials from their perspective when we link potential candidates to their organizations. It is important to understand that it is not just about counting resumes and connecting candidates to employers. Various metrics in play form the drivers of the recruitment process.

The world of contemporary employment is a dynamic one and the process of recruitment stands as a pivotal point that links talented candidates with opportunities that are coherent with their skills, career aspirations, and organizational requirements. Recruitment practices have evolved according to the changes in workforce demands and requirements across the globe. Therefore, recruitment techniques and processes have mirrored the needs of technological development and diverse industrial arenas. Different metrics are responsible for effective recruitment.

Hiring Dynamics in GCC

Recruiting dynamics in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations are impacted by a mix of local customs and economic trends on a global level. Efforts for diversifying the economy have prompted high interest for talented experts, both locally and worldwide. Emiratization, Saudization, and Omanization arrangements focus on hiring nationals, while expatriate work stays critical, especially for technical, skill-based jobs. Investments and entrepreneurship from foreign sources are influencing strategies for acquiring talents from around the world, regardless of difficulties like visa guidelines. The dynamic recruiting world in the GCC opens the door to different sector opportunities waiting for skilled professionals to get on board.

Hiring Dynamics in Germany

Recruiting dynamics in Germany focus on skills, qualifications, and professional conduct. The world of recruitment in the country is influenced by its system of dual education and employee rights where great emphasis is given to quality of professionalism and expertise. Businesses focus on instructive qualifications and prioritize responsibility of long-term commitment and dedication, while social fit and language capability are likewise critical elements. Generally, Germany’s recruiting scene esteems a harmony between scholastic greatness, professional preparation, and worker prosperity.

Is It About Quality or Quantity?

Employers need to look for just the best out of the rest.

A high-quality metric ensures that the candidates hired stay in the job they are recruited for. It represents the effectiveness of recruiters in selecting the right match of candidates wisely using the time and resources they have. Hiring candidates for the GCC countries requires visa costs and other logistics costs, therefore the recruiters need to ensure that these costs of the employers are not wasted with the candidates leaving the job they committed to.

The Hack is in the Tracking

Let us get this straight. As they say, for any message to get across, you need to know your audience. Similarly, you need to keep track of your candidates to make sure the message gets to them and succeeds in getting them on board.

Recruiters need to keep a check on the background of candidates and where they come from. This can help them filter the right ones for the right job. Different software and applications are designed particularly for this purpose to help recruiters in analysis the success rate of jobs accepted through their platforms. This in turn represents the effectiveness of their service and process. It also shows the number of candidates selected and the ones who joined the job.

Time is Ticking

As soon as there is a job opening, your clock starts and it is ticking fast. The faster you catch up the more effective the process.

The efficiency in hiring is the duration within which a recruiter can fill in the job efficiently starting from the search to the second they get them on board. Numerous factors influence this speed; the place of the job, popularity and organizational reputation, and the skill set required.

In basic terms, this metric represents the exact duration of the job announcement and the day a candidate starts the job. It lets you know the effectiveness of the role as a recruiter as well as the success of the recruitment process.

Make a “YES” Offer

Give them an offer they cannot resist.

You know you have succeeded as a recruiter if your offer is accepted by the candidate. If the candidate accepts the job offer; it adds value to the credibility of the hiring process. Therefore, it is important to analyze the offer success achieved as a significant performance indicator that helps the company flourish in its respective field.

The calculation is simple with a comparison analysis of the candidates who were offered the job and the ones who accepted the opportunity through the recruiter’s offer. The competitiveness of the company depends on how effectively it can attract and get a candidate on board. If these offers are not accepted, there is a need to rethink the strategy and the offer benefits that might be aligned with the candidate’s interests.

Employee Turnover or U-turn?

Getting a single candidate on board is like taking a huge chunk of your finances.

Visa costs are super high, touching the clouds. In these difficult economic times, one needs to be sure about where they are investing and spending. Employers do not want someone who would stay for a while, enjoy their cup of tea, and then leave at the sight of a new opportunity. Let’s get this straight, no one has that kind of time and resources to waste.

To avoid such unpleasant circumstances, companies need to thoroughly assess their hiring strategies and job offers. There must be an evaluation to check the flaws and loopholes in the system that are preventing employee retention. It is also essential to check those job descriptions to see if they are attracting the right match for the job.

The More the Merrier

Diversity is the key to creativity. You need to get different people on board to get the maximum performance rates. People are wired differently, they think differently, and they are unique in their perceptions and thinking. Inclusivity is the ingredient to attracting diversity. Think of it as a recipe, the richer the ingredients, the unique the spices, the better the dish. Get people of various backgrounds, cultures, and values on board to create a better work environment with maximum skills and expertise.

So, what Do We Understand?

It is safe to say that the recruitment world we live in today is a complex landscape of various methodologies and strategies that are important in making informed decisions at the right moment. It requires the involvement of numerous stakeholders like recruiters, human resource officials, hiring managers, and of course the candidates. Various factors need to be considered in the process of recruitment and different key indicators are required to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the recruitment mechanism.